Data visualization to better understand the environmental impact

Data visualization to better understand the environmental impact

In short

10h11 facilitates the understanding of the environmental impact of nursing homes in France through data visualization.









7 months




The project in detail

ADEME commissioned 10:11am to create infographics and data visualizations that simplify and highlight the results of a vast study on the environmental impact of nursing homes in France. The data visualization tools created aim to facilitate the understanding of the public and to serve as communication supports within ADEME.

Data visualization to better understand the environmental impact

The need

ADEME, Agency for Ecological Transition, is engaged in a vast study to understand the environmental impact of Residential Establishments for Dependent Elderly Persons (EHPAD) in France. This study involved qualitative and quantitative field research conducted by sociologists. However, in order for the results of this study to be accessible and understandable for the general public and for ADEME's internal teams, it was necessary to find a way to present this data in a visual and simplified way. In addition, ADEME wanted these data visualizations to also serve as communication supports to promote the work done on subjects as specific as that of nursing homes.


The solution

10h11 was responsible for transforming the results of the ADEME study into a series of infographics and data visualizations. We created over 30 of these visual tools, each aimed at highlighting a specific aspect of the study. By working closely with sociologists and environmental experts at ADEME, we were able to ensure that each visualization was accurate, relevant, and easy to understand. In addition, we ensured that these visualizations were engaging enough to be used as communication materials.


The results

The creation of infographics and data visualizations greatly facilitated the understanding of the study by the general public and by ADEME's internal teams. By presenting the data visually, we allowed people not specialized in the environment or sociology to understand the environmental impact of nursing homes. In addition, these visualizations were effectively used as communication supports within ADEME, highlighting the work done by the organization. Ultimately, this project demonstrated how data visualization can be a powerful tool to make environmental data accessible and understandable for everyone.

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